Eagle Scout Checklist
The following information is intended to help guide you through the paperwork and other details associated with completing the requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout. By understanding the procedures and anticipating the necessary timelines, you can avoid "surprises," particularly for older scouts. All requirements must be completed prior to your 18th birthday.
Upon attaining the rank of Life Scout, the Scoutmaster will present you with a copy of the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook.
(Take time to familiarize yourself with the information in the workbook, especially on the inside front and back covers.)
You are responsible for satisfactorily completing all of the requirements, but the Scoutmaster and other adult leaders, as well as the troop committee are eager to assist you as necessary. Let your parents/guardians know about the process, too, so they can support you as you finish the last steps on your trail to Eagle.
__ Life Scout for Six Months (Requirement 1)
You are required to be an active member of the troop for at least six months as a Life Scout, which means you must complete your Life Scout board of review prior to reaching 17 and a half years of age. Being active means attending troop meetings and attending other Scout activities, such as campouts.
__ Recommendations (Requirement 2)
Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law in your daily life. List the names of individuals who know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf. You need to have contact info for all of the listed people including two other references.
__ Merit Badges (Requirement 3)
You must complete at least 21 merit badges, including the 13 Eagle-required badges. Three of the latter -- family life, personal fitness and personal management -- need at least three months to complete. Don’t leave these to the last minute.
Organize your merit badge "cards" and other advancement records in your Eagle Scout Binder (see section below).
__ Personal Scouting Record Review
Once you have completed the required number merit badges, contact the troop advancement chairperson to obtain a copy of your personal Scouting history from the Lincoln Heritage Council office. The advancement chair will schedule a meeting with you to verify the dates of your Scouting history with the Troop's records and the report provided by the council. Bring your Scout Handbook, merit badge cards and merit badge sash to the meeting.
__ Troop Leadership for Six Months (Requirement 4)
You must hold a leadership position in the troop for at least six months while you’re a Life Scout. If it’s been a while since you've held such a post, you must hold another post to show that you've remained an active leader of the troop. If you have questions about this requirement, talk to the Scoutmaster about being appointed to a leadership position. For elected positions, troop elections are held in the fall and spring.
__ Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project (Requirement 5)
In addition to the copy of the Service Project Workbook, which you were given at your Life Scout scoutmaster conference, you will need to download the service project workbook in order to type your answers in the forms fill version of the workbook. Click on the link, for directions, to download the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook from Scouting.org and fill out the various sections as you plan and execute your leadership service project. All required signatures must be obtained in the order listed and dated chronologically.
Several things you will need to know:
- Record keeping: Keep a folder or booklet with all pertinent records, including letters of approval, outline of project, costs, time spent (with dates), materials used, donors of equipment, photographs, etc. Record all hours of work you and others put in in planning and carrying out your project. These records will be needed for your Eagle Scout Book (see section below).
- Research: Decide on a potential project and write a description of the project.
- Preliminary discussions: Discuss the concept of your proposed project with the Scoutmaster and a representative of the group that will benefit from it.
- Project plan: Plan the details of your proposed project.
- Approval from Scoutmaster: Meet with him to review your project plan and get his approval.
- Approval from group benefiting from the project: Present your project plan to a representative of the group and obtain written approval from him/her.
- Leadership and preparation: The Eagle service project requires that you show leadership, which means you must direct your fellow scouts (or others) in helping you accomplish the project. Make appropriate provisions for safety, first aid and adult supervision throughout the project. (The Talligewi Chapter of the Order of the Arrow may have members willing to help with a project. Contact the Troop's OA Representative.)
- Scheduling: Once your project is scheduled, prepare a notice for the troop, directing scouts how, when and where they can assist on the project.
- Execution: On the day (or days) of the project, you must direct the work and participate yourself. Keep accurate records on how much you and others worked. Take pictures of the work, including “before,” “during” and “after” pictures.
- Completed project approval: Once the project is complete, obtain a signed and dated letter from your project benefactor confirming the project was completed to their satisfaction.
__ Eagle Scout Binder
Your Eagle Scout “binder” is a three-ring binder containing your completed Eagle Scout Rank Application and Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook. The binder must include all required attachments, such as your merit badge cards, rank cards, and list of non-scout activities, as well as records of approval, photographs of the project, records of work hours, records of contributions of material and explanation of how you showed leadership from your service project. Examples of previous Eagle Scout's binders are available from the Scoutmaster.
__ Eagle Scout Rank Application
You must fill out this rather lengthy application. You may want to download a copy to use as a practice sheet. The application you eventually submit must be neat, accurate and complete. Prepare and attach to your Eagle Scout Rank Application a statement of your ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in your religious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations, during which you demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awards received during this service.
__ Eagle Scout Rank Application Review
Contact the troop advancement chairperson to schedule a review of your Eagle Scout Rank Application. Bring your Scout Handbook and Eagle Scout Binder to the meeting. The advancement chair will verify that you listed the correct dates on your form.
__ Scoutmaster Conference (Requirement 6)
Once you have completed all of the above requirements, you must have a Scoutmaster conference. Talk to the Scoutmaster about when you can arrange this meeting and what is expected of you at the meeting, such as wearing your uniform (including correct uniform patches and badges and your merit badge sash), bringing your Scout Handbook and Eagle Scout Binder, etc. The Scoutmaster conference must be completed before you schedule your Eagle Scout board of review.
Important: In preparation for your Scoutmaster Conference, prepare and attach to your Eagle Scout Rank Application a statement of your ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in your religious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations, during which you demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awards received during this service.
__ Troop Eagle Scout Board of Review
Troop Eagle Board will need at least two weeks notice when scheduling your review. Please bring your binder containing an original and two copies of your eagle project and eagle application completely filled out and signed. The binder should contain the baseball card inserts with all MB cards and Rank cards. It should contain any other awards you have earned. IE: JLT, NYLT, etc.
__ District Eagle Scout Board of Review
The final step is to have your District Eagle Scout board of review. Here’s how to arrange it:
- Upon successful completion of the Troop Eagle Board of Review, you will contact the Scout office and request a verified copy of your scout record. You will need to present your Eagle application showing you have completed your Scoutmaster Conference and your Troop Board of Review.
- At this point you will contact the District Eagle Advancement Chair to schedule your District Board of Review. Remember that you are requesting their time so be sure and work with their schedule and not yours. They will tell you where and when to meet.
- Think about what you want to say to the board. Examples of topics and items you may be asked to discuss include:
- Family
- Hobbies/interests
- School - current and future plans
- Current events - community, nation or world
- Your Scouting history - summer camps, special activities
- Merit badges (know the patches that are on your sash)
- Leadership service project
- Religious involvement
On the Eagle Scout board of review date, you should arrive at the appointed time, in full uniform (including correct uniform patches and badges and your merit badge sash). Bring your Scout Handbook, binder (containing an original and two copies of your eagle project, verified copy of your scout record, statement of your ambitions and life purpose, and eagle application) completely filled out and signed.
Remember: Be relaxed, but be prepared. Look at the board members, speak clearly and be proud of all you have accomplished leading up to the review. The board may ask to speak with your parents/guardians about you so be sure and bring them with you and have them stay. Each review is different, but you can expect the process to take about an hour.
Eagle Scout Rank Application Submission to the Council Office
Upon approval by the Eagle Scout board of review, you will submit the paperwork to the Council office. They will forward to the the National office. Allow approximately four to six weeks for your application and other credentials to be reviewed by the local council and the National Council. Your Scoutmaster will be notified when your certificate comes in.
Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Once you are notified by the Scoutmaster that you are certified as an Eagle Scout, you may plan and schedule your Eagle Court of Honor. Congratulations!
If you have any questions, talk to the Scoutmaster or another scout leader. Good luck!