Life to Eagle
Below you will find everything you need to complete your journey. Before you begin, let's make sure you are up to date on a few items.
Do you have the following?:
- Binder with Eagle Application, Eagle Project, copy of scouting record, baseball card inserts that contain all of your merit badges and rank advancements, any certificates received in scouting.
- Sash with all your merit badge's sewn on it
- Complete Field Uniform (shirt, pants, socks, neckerchief, and slide) with all current patches sewn on shirt.
Once the above is secured, you can move to the Life Scoutmaster Conference. During your conference you should be prepared to discuss your eagle project. You will be given a Scoutmaster project as well. This will be similar to the project type given when you became Star.
Contact for Buffalo Trails District Eagle Project and District Board of Review.
Angel Mattingly: Phone: 502.775.9798 / Email:
You can download the Eagle Project Workbook below or find it in the forms section of this website. Once downloaded, you will need a PDF reader to open it. Please read over it thoroughly before you begin. It is recommended that you print out a copy to use as your working copy. You will also use this copy to obtain all the signatures for your project. Save the pages with the signatures. Once complete, you can open the downloaded copy and use the fill forms function to fill in the workbook. Once complete, you can print this copy in triplicate and attach the signature pages to it.
Next comes your eagle application. This can be downloaded by clicking the link below or from the forms page on this website. Once downloaded, you will need a PDF reader to open it. Please read it carefully before you begin. Click on the Eagle checklist to help you when filling it out.
Prior to your District Eagle Board of Review, you will have an Eagle Rank Scoutmaster Conference, followed by a Troop Eagle Board of Review. (Please see the Eagle checklist for more on this).
After successful completion of your District Board of review, you can begin planning your Eagle Court of Honor. This can be downloaded by clicking the link below or from the forms page on this website. You are free to come up with your own ceremony. Remember, it is your ceremony.
To begin preparing for your Eagle Court of Honor, please fill out the Eagle Court of Honor you downloaded above.
Along with the planning of your ceremony, you can begin sending out letters to local and national figures and dignitaries. Click here for the list. for more information click here.
During your ceremony, you have the opportunity to present your mother and father with a pin, signifying their role as mentors and helpers in your journey.
You will also have the opportunity to present a mentor pin to the person who was most instrumental in getting you to the rank of Eagle.
Prepare a one page speech (at least three full paragraphs) giving thanks to your troop, parents, mentor, and any anecdote you wish to add.
Upon reaching the rank of Eagle Scout you will want to concern yourself with your post secondary education. There are a plethora of scholarships out there for you to apply for. To begin your journey you can click on the above link.
Troop 765