Scoutmaster Minute
A good positive attitude can truly change the way you approach life, and your future. Let me illustrate with a short story.
A few years ago, there was a wildlife organization out west that offered a bounty of $5000 for wolves captured alive.
Two friends; Sam and Jed, decided to make their fortune. Day and night, they scoured the mountains and forests looking for their valuable prey.
Exhausted one night, they fell asleep dreaming of their potential fortune.
Suddenly, Sam woke up a bit startled, and saw that they were surrounded by a huge pack of nearly 70 wolves with searing black eyes, and bared teeth, low growls rumbling from their throats.
He slowly reached over and nudged his friend and said 'Jed, wake up! I think we're rich!'
Boys, Sam had a positive attitude. I hope you do.