Program Overview and Highlights
Trained leadership, active parish involvement, community service, and use of Scouting methods are all essential elements to a quality-Scouting program. It is the goal of Troop 765 to continually focus on these elements to provide a FUN program for the Scouts.
Trained Leadership
Trained leadership for both the adults and the youth is an essential aspect of a quality Scouting program. Our Scoutmaster, as well as several other adult leaders have completed the BSA sponsored Scoutmaster Basic Training and the Wood Badge program. They continue to pursue opportunities to enhance their skills in an effort to provide a wider range of experiences for the boys. Interested parents are encouraged to attend these training programs as well. The training foundation of Troop 765 doesn't end with its adult leaders. Many of our older Scouts have completed the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) program as well as our Troop and Job Specific Junior Leader Training (TJLT). Allowing the boys to grow in their leadership roles and responsibilities is a critical part of our program. The leadership skills and Scouting values established in our youth are key elements of Troop 765's mission.
Active Parish Involvement
As Troop 765 has evolved so has its involvement in the parish. Many of our adult leaders are also active members of St. Michael Parish. They are involved in the religious formation activities and service organizations within the parish. This parish involvement together with our Chartered Organization Representative keeps us informed of activities within our charter organization. Whenever possible, Troop 765 participates in parish activities such as the annual fall picnic, seasonal landscaping cleanups, and several Eagle Projects.
Community Service
Scouting reaches beyond the charter organization. As both a troop and as individuals, the Scouts of Troop 765 have been involved in a variety of activities that serve the community at large. These activities are selected by the Scouts and vary from year to year. They've worked at St. Edward Parish, the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, placed Flags on VFW graves on Veterans Day, worked Operation Brightside, Derby Balloon Glow, assisted families who's husbands and fathers had to go off to the middle east, and many more. As our Scouts become involved in Eagle projects, other Scouts have been actively assisting in their efforts as well. Scouts also participate in programs to help BSA. Many volunteer hours on Engineering Days at Camp Crooked Creek and Tunnel Mill our two local Boy Scout camps. Others are active members of Order of the Arrow and provide similar efforts to support council events. Troop 765 serves the BSA by participating in the annual Friends of Scouting Program, which helps fund the local council, as well as our troop. As a fundraiser, we sell mulch in the spring of each year as well as other smaller fundraisers throughout the year.
Use of Scouting Methods
The basic tenets of Scouting : the patrol method with a boy lead troop, a strong out-door program, and use of BSA leadership skills all contribute to the success of Troop 765's Scouting program. New Scouts are assigned mentors and each patrol has an adult patrol advisor. Mentors and patrol advisors work closely with the boys to monitor progress toward skill development and rank advancement. Our key emphasis, though, is development of values, character and commitment to the 12 points of the Scout Law. Troop 765 maintains a year round program. In early fall, the Scouts plan events for the upcoming year with each month having one outdoor overnight activity. Often the purpose of the events is to develop Scouting skills needed for rank advancement or merit badge requirements. Patrol activities are also encouraged. Some of our older Scouts also participate in high adventure activities. These Scouts have attended a 12 day backpacking trip at Philmont in New Mexico, Northern Tier, and Sea Base in the Florida Keys. The Troop also attends a weeklong summer camp in June each year, and after 2 consecutive years at Camp Crooked Creek, they are allowed to provision camp at other council camps. After acheiving the rank of Life Scout they are eligible to participate in our Troop High Adventure trips. These include the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, Williamsburg, Virginia, and Michigan / Cedar Point, Ohio. The activity level of Troop 765 is maintained as a result of its active adult leadership. Scout leaders and parents engage themselves in administration of the Troop and also facilitate Scout skill training and in the teaching of merit badges.
Duty to God
Duty to God is a fundamental component of Troop 765's activities. We believe the Scouting program should strengthen each young man's relationship with God through his every day actions, whether within or outside of the Scouting program. Two of our adults are trained and registered as religious counselors responsible for the facilitation of Catholic Scout religious award training. Several of our Scouts have earned the Ad Altare Dei emblem and the Pope Pius award. Similar religious emblems can be earned for a wide variety of other religions and faiths. While sponsored by St. Michael Church, the Troop maintains a diversity of religions and faiths. Duty to God manifests itself not only through individual and Troop service efforts, but also in smaller ways such as grace before meals and prayers before each outing. Weekend campouts include attending Mass. While at summer camp all of our Scouts participate in morning vespers and the Tuesday evening service.
Membership and Program Growth
Membership fluctuates from year to year. We are continually growing and have multiple patrols of actively registered boys ranging in age from 11 to 18. The continued success of the program is due to many factors including:
- Active involvement of parents in the program.
- Dedicated and trained Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters.
- Use of BSA sponsored adult training opportunities to deepen adult understanding of the Scouting program and its ideals.
Growth of the Troop comes from many outside sources. These include the transitioning of Webelos from Pack 765 and families finding us on the web.