Click on the Logo to see a short Promotional Video
Troop 765 began its charter in April 1998, and since then we have strived to provide an environment that allows boys to become well-rounded individuals, exceptional citizens and men of honor and character. By following the aims of Scouting that consist of Character Development, Citizenship Training, and Mental and Physical Fitness we feel that our Scouts will be better prepared to meet the challenges they will face in today's world. By living by the Scout Oath and Scout Law, we embrace a set of ideals and standards that are outwardly displayed in the form of Scout Spirit.
Troop 765 meets each week throughout the year.
Time: 5:30 - 7pm
Day: Sunday
Place: St. Michael parish
(Fellowship Room)
3705 Stone Lakes Drive
Louisville, Ky. 40299
August: Bishop Flaget Trail
September: VW Car Show, Cub Scout Bike Rodeo,
October: Red River Gorge Campout
November: Scouting for Food
December: Christmas Party, Jtown Council Meeting
See Calendar for more detail
Congratulations on making it to the last leg of your journey to Eagle. By clicking the title, you will find all the information and forms you need to complete your journey. You have climbed the mountain in a true scout like manner. Let's make sure you are organized and ready to earn the rank of Eagle.
New Parent & Scout Orientation
We want to welcome you and your family to Troop 765. We are happy to have you join our scouting family. As a parent, you want your son to grow up to be a great person; a self-reliant, responsible, and caring individual. We want the same goals for him.